Expository Essay – The Effect of Cell Phones

Have you ever been sitting in your room bored out your mind and your phone saved the day? Bringing out the old flappy bird or talking to our close loved ones is a great way to pass the time. Giving us something to do is one of the many things our cellular devices can do. People lives have been affected by their phones by giving us world-wide contact and saving us from boredom.
Getting around and communicating are some of the most important things in today’s world. For example, Tammy’s birthday is coming p and many of her friends and family want to give her birthday wishes, but Tammy is off at college. How else are they going to get in touch with her but by their phones? Her phone is blowing up with “Happy Birthday!” notifications and her birthday is just as good as if she were there with her friends and family! In addition, this generation is always reading and talking about new news every second of the day! We’re all getting the scoop on new fashion trends and what’s happening in different countries. We never really can put our phones down.
Phones also help us in our worst time of need…boredom! For example, people use their lightning fast iPhones or Androids to open us Facebook or Instagram and just waste hours and hours on those social media apps. Scrolling through and seeing what’s going on in their friend’s lives, wondering if the picture they posted is real or edited out the wazoo! Once those social media apps get boring, we click the home button and go look through folders and folders of endless games. Playing different skill games like flappy bird or two dots till our fingers bleed is something that most everyone in this generation tend to do. There’s also multiplayer games that we can play with our neighborhood friends or with people across the globe!
Therefore, phones have affected our lives is many good ways. Saving us from being bored out of our minds and giving us contact with our loved ones are 2 of the many things phones do. So, phones have affected our lives for the good!

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